Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Specific abilities, Kingdom dreams

" 'Why spend money
on what is not bread,
and your labor
on what does not satisfy?
Listen, listen to me,
and eat what is good,
and your soul will delight
in the richest of fare.' "
(Isaiah 55:2)

Life is more than living for the paycheck. Financial stability is nice, but it never truly satisfies the soul. It just allows one to pursue things to fill one's life, but when we try to find fulfilment in physical pleasures, we miss out on God's best.

We should be giving our all to the Lord, and seeing what He would have for our lives. How am I serving God in what I'm doing?

Can we be so bold to think that God created us with specific abilities that are unique, and because of which we are uniquely called? I hope so.

I'm just not sure what that is right now. However, I do believe that as I take these steps in life, the Lord will lead and direct me .

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