Sunday, June 01, 2008

Goals update

A month or so ago, I had the following goals:

*Lose 30 lbs
*Get my transcripts from college & determine how many units are still viable
*Return to college this fall (2008)
*Get a job closer to home
*Cell phone
*save $1000
*get a new (or new to me) car

Since then, I have received my transcripts. I'm calling Chaffey tomorrow to make an appointment with a councelor to determine how many will transfer. I'm going back to school to receive my business BS, with the emphasis on Human Resources. First step is to get my AA in business. I'll need that so I can transfer to any Cal State I get into.

I also purchased a new cell phone. Yay.

As for weight, I actually gained some weight. I'm up to 167, which is 12lbs more than I was when I made that first goal. But I am undetered. I will be 125lbs before the end of the year. If that's too few lbs for me, fine. I'll go up to 130, but I think that's a good weight conidering my height and frame.

I have saved $600. Unfortunately, that is going to go toward my upcoming Lake Tahoe Vacation. However, I suppose it's better than putting that all on a credit card.

I still have a lot to accomplish, but I'm on my way! I can do it, and by the grace of my Lord Jesus, I will do it!


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Frankie Franco III said...

HEY STRANGER! How is life!?


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