Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Update on Update

I've totally neglected this blog, and I know it's because I've used it more as a personal journal than anything else. And, let's face it, I'll never be as forthcoming online as I would in a journal that I'd handwrite. There are just too many ways to misinterpret things, and really, not all thoughts need to be explored by others.

However, I do like having something "out there" as a reminder of sorts. That being stated, I have an update:


Yay! After 8 or so years, I've enrolled and am taking a class at Chaffey College. I know, it's only one class, but I had to work classes in with my day job. I'm excited, because it's a critical thinking course, and I've been needing to sharpen the mind up a bit. The professor seems pretty liberal, and I know that he has had a negative experience with Christianity, so I am praying that I do well in the class itself and represent Christ in my good work habits, in my faithfulness in class, and as opportunity is presented, that I communicate the Truth in love and humility.

"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." John 19:26



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