Mali 2009

Hello friends!
As you may remember, I'm on the team heading out to Mali (in Africa)! Our church sponsors the school, where there are now 650 students in attendance. Just thinking of this Christian school in the Muslim nation reminds me of Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." God truly has a wonderful plan for these children (and the nation) of Mali!
Our mission trip to Mali leaves in just a few short days! We'll be heading out on Thursday, January 22nd, and will return on Wednesday, February 4th! Yipes! I'm overwhelmed & excited with each day. In this season of my life, it's been challenging. However, it's been a blessing to be able to pray for the people of Mali and prepare for the trip. While practicing for the VBS we'll be putting on at the school, I am reminded that God loves us, He takes care of His people, He heals us, and is just plain GOOD! God is at work every day, all of the time, and in ways that we can't truly comprehend (see Psalm 40:5).
In addition to the VBS, we'll paint murals at the school (thanks to Vanessa!), do some medical work (thanks to the Dr., PA, & nurse on the team), and outreaches in the city.
I would love for you to partner in prayer with me, & if possible, please consider financially supporting me for this mission trip. I know it's a bit late in the game, but some things haven't turned out as I had hoped. So, do we give up? No way! I know that "Where God guides, God provides," and am confident in that truth! But I also know that, "You have not because you ask not." So, I'm asking, dear friend, that you would "go" on this mission trip with via your financial support.
If the Lord puts it on your heart to provide financially, please write the check out to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. However, please put a note on it that says "for Rebecca Workman's Missions Account." This will make sure that they know it's for this mission trip.
You can mail the check to:
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
4201 Eucalyptus Avenue
Chino, CA 91710
Or, if you're at church already, use one of the white envelopes (found on the back of the chairs in the sanctuary or in the office) and write on the front "For Rebecca Workman's Missions Account." You can put it in with the offerings, or you can take it to the office.
If you're not able to financially support me, I totally understand. But I still ask that you would partner with me in prayer! There is power in prayer, and I believe that God wants to use this trip to see many souls saved!
God bless you, dear friends!
Becky Workman
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." Prov 11:30