Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A personal reminder

*Sings "Why can't we be friends; Why can't we be friends; Why can't we be friends."

Or at least able to be in the same circle without a sense of aggrevation?

I "bumped" into a former friend while playing a game on Facebook. She seemed amicable enough, so I figured things had mellowed out. I didn't plan on going back into that particular gameroom, because I don't really want a friendship with this person. However, I was grateful to see that, if for some reason we "bumped" into each other again, there would be no emotional damage.

Or so I thought.

I hadn't checked out her profile since Facebook first recommended we might know each other, so I thought I'd see what was new. Curiosity- sometimes, it's just not worth it. Why so? Her status title was something like "SOANDSO thinks Becky needs to stop playing in my playground.." or something to that effect.

My initial reaction irritation. This person keeps a long grudge-list, and I had hoped I was crossed off of it already. No such luck. Her bitterness always surprises me, because it's just not worth the effort. My next desire was to just take the hit, be a peace maker, and write an apology for steping in her sandbox. It was a single's thing, and I don't really tred in those places anyway (it was actually my first visit). So, I thought I'd just assure her that I wasn't trying to be friends again, and that I hoped we'd be cool if for some reason we did encounter one another once more.

But you know, I don't see the point. If she hasn't put the past behind her yet, then I don't think there's anything I could say or write that would change that. I have forgiven her; I no longer have ill will towards her. It saddens me greatly, though, that someone would hold onto something petty like this. It also bugs me that I would even think twice about it, let alone blog about it. However, I firmly believe that if we forget the past, we are doomed to repeat it. So this is a reminder to me:

Be careful to choose friends wisely.
Don't be assertive with something that is petty.
Never try to reason with someone who is be unreasonable- it's an exercise in futility.
and to quote Kenny Rogers,
"Know when to walk away; Know when to run."

There's no link to this blog that would lead her here, but if she ever did read this, I hope that she would see that I mean no harm; it's just time to move on, isn't it? I like the quote, "it's better to forget than to remember me and cry." I think one could insert, "than to remember me and be aggrevated."

That's my option, at least. This is my personal reminder.