Cheesy Goodness
It's the cheese that makes the difference!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mali 2009

Hello friends!
As you may remember, I'm on the team heading out to Mali (in Africa)! Our church sponsors the school, where there are now 650 students in attendance. Just thinking of this Christian school in the Muslim nation reminds me of Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." God truly has a wonderful plan for these children (and the nation) of Mali!
Our mission trip to Mali leaves in just a few short days! We'll be heading out on Thursday, January 22nd, and will return on Wednesday, February 4th! Yipes! I'm overwhelmed & excited with each day. In this season of my life, it's been challenging. However, it's been a blessing to be able to pray for the people of Mali and prepare for the trip. While practicing for the VBS we'll be putting on at the school, I am reminded that God loves us, He takes care of His people, He heals us, and is just plain GOOD! God is at work every day, all of the time, and in ways that we can't truly comprehend (see Psalm 40:5).
In addition to the VBS, we'll paint murals at the school (thanks to Vanessa!), do some medical work (thanks to the Dr., PA, & nurse on the team), and outreaches in the city.
I would love for you to partner in prayer with me, & if possible, please consider financially supporting me for this mission trip. I know it's a bit late in the game, but some things haven't turned out as I had hoped. So, do we give up? No way! I know that "Where God guides, God provides," and am confident in that truth! But I also know that, "You have not because you ask not." So, I'm asking, dear friend, that you would "go" on this mission trip with via your financial support.
If the Lord puts it on your heart to provide financially, please write the check out to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. However, please put a note on it that says "for Rebecca Workman's Missions Account." This will make sure that they know it's for this mission trip.
You can mail the check to:
Calvary Chapel Chino Hills
4201 Eucalyptus Avenue
Chino, CA 91710
Or, if you're at church already, use one of the white envelopes (found on the back of the chairs in the sanctuary or in the office) and write on the front "For Rebecca Workman's Missions Account." You can put it in with the offerings, or you can take it to the office.
If you're not able to financially support me, I totally understand. But I still ask that you would partner with me in prayer! There is power in prayer, and I believe that God wants to use this trip to see many souls saved!
God bless you, dear friends!
Becky Workman
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise." Prov 11:30
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's an amazing, beautiful blessing. Grace. Just thinking of that makes my heart smile. I have seen a transformation that was unexprected and certainly unprecedented. That which once caused sorrow and self-doubt has been drastically altered...and the joy that's come from this renewed relationship...well, there really aren't words to describe it.
I'm absolutely grateful. Absolutely.
Something good is definitely in the works....and that's what I'm talkin' bout.
Friday, October 24, 2008
It's Friday!
I am so grateful for what the Lord has been doing! I met up with my friend a couple Saturday's ago, and we worked everything out! Seriously, communication skills are not to be underestimated. I was thinking that our friendship was over, but now it's better than it's ever been.
I was so nervous to do the difficult thing, but like the word says, "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17
Yays! Makes me want to skip & sing!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Project Runway
Okay, so I know I'm way late in posting about Project Runway, but here's my take on the finale:
Kenely didn't win. She didn't deserve to, not by a long shot.
I am absolutely in LOVE with this dress! It's so incredibly creative. The hand-painted detailing is superb, and it's a fun/frilly dress. It makes me want to twirl.

This is the only one of Korto's designs that I thought was Bryant-Park worthy. The garments were nice, but they were looks I felt I'd seen before.

Here's a few from Leanne's line, which just goes to show that I would have to agree with the judges' choice:

I'd want all of these looks (except I wouldn't wear the outfit with the shorts- I just loved that jacket!
Pretty, Pretty clothing.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
More Than Meets The Eye
I stepped out in faith. I did the hard thing by telling someone the painful truth, even though I knew it could mean the end of our friendship. Truth overcame my fear. And God blessed me for it.
I got a great text back. Part of it said, "The light u shined on my actions really hit me like a kick in the teeth. The truth really does hurt. We need to talk." Now, you might be thinking that what my friend said was the great part. Nope, not really. Don't get me wrong; I appreciate it, I'm grateful, and it's wonderful. But the fantastic part was that it confirms a lesson God's been teaching me this year. Being a friend isn't all fun and games. Friendship includes working through the tough stuff. It means giving and receiving rebuke, knowing that it all stems from love. I felt vulnerable & raw in what I wrote, but it was worth it.
I know I need to grow as well. There are some childish "quirks" that I've held onto for far too long. It's time for me to "man up' in a few areas.
I am game. I am ready. I am super grateful to the Lord for working this truth into my life: If the truth is spoken in love & received with a heart of humility, God will change that heart. He desires to sanctify us. He doesn't want us to remain in the same state we came to Him- He wants to transform us!
I'm ready to be a transformer as well as transformed.
Yay God!
Labels: letter
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Clarity? Check!
So, after much prayer, I finally responded to that email. Let's just say it started out with Proverb 27:6.
I decided to be that faithful friend, regardless of the outcome.
We'll see how this goes.
Labels: letter
Good Enough
I received an email that made my heart sink & hope at the same time. Mostly sink, but I'm an eternal optimist (although I fear that may be waning).
I've written a whole response, but I think he deserves to read it before I post it here. Plus, I'm not sure I'm brave enough to let anyone else see me that vulnerable.
The whole situation reminded me of the lyrics at the end of a Sarah McLachlan song called "good enough." Now, that is about physical abuse, and my situation is not at all like that. But there's a dichotomy within me, and these lyrics express it better (much better) than I can at the moment:
Don't tell me why he hasn't been good to you
Don't tell me why he's never been there for you
Don't you know why will never be good enough.
Oh, just let me try, and I will be good to you
Just let me try, and I will be there for you
I'll show you why you're so much more than good enough.
-Sarah McLachlan
My tears have dried momentarily, so I think I'll get ready for bed now. I'm hoping that tomorrow will bring the clarity I pray for so passionately.